Bringing the human touch back to recruitment

Have you ever applied for a job and not been chosen? Most of us have experienced it. Receiving a rejection is never easy and it can have a big impact on an applicant’s self-esteem and perception of the company.

Up to 70% of candidates would recommend the company to their social networks after receiving feedback.
Up to 70% of candidates would recommend the company to their social networks after receiving feedback.

In today’s fast-paced world, attracting and retaining top talent is paramount for all companies. By focusing on the human aspect of recruitment, organizations can set themselves apart from the competition. 

A crucial element of human-centric recruitment lies in effective communication. Candidates appreciate being kept informed about the progress of their application, as it demonstrates respect and transparency. 

In this endeavor, TalentAdore has emerged as a pioneer. Leveraging advancements in AI and automation, the company has developed a ground-breaking recruitment system, TalentAdore Hire, that streamlines the hiring process while increasing the human touch.

“Every job application is a love letter."

Saku Valkama, the CEO of TalentAdore, draws parallels between a job application and a love letter, stating that just as in a romantic relationship, post-date communication greatly influences the outcome. Timely and meaningful interactions play a pivotal role in maintaining an applicant’s interest and motivation. 

Delivering constructive feedback that highlights an applicant’s strengths and provides valuable tips for job search, helps candidates navigate the recruitment process with grace. TalentAdore Hire makes giving feedback easy. If you want to learn more, request a demo on the company’s website.


Organisation information



TalentAdore poistaa pullonkauloja rekrytoinnissa yksi kerrallaan. Tämä vapauttaa sinulle aikaa keskittyä merkityksellisiin hetkiin ja luoda ylivertaisia hakijakokemuksia.

Tekoälyn ja automaation ansiosta TalentAdore Hire mahdollistaa henkilökohtaisen hakijaviestinnän saumattomasti ja oikea-aikaisesti. Hakijat kokevat tulevansa kuulluksi ja ymmärretyksi ja he suosittelevat teitä sosiaalisille verkostoilleen.

- Suomalainen, globaalisti toimiva HR-teknologiayritys.
- TalentAdore Hiren avulla ihmisiä rekrytoidaan yli 25 maassa
- Tarjoaa tekoälyä ja automaatiota hyödyntäviä rekrytointiratkaisuja, joilla luodaan ylivertaisia hakijakokemuksia ja aidosti tehokkaampaa rekrytointia.
- Auttaa jo yli 15 000 HR-ammattilaista ympäri maailmaa luomaan positiivisia yhteyksiä kaikkien hakijoiden kanssa, myös niiden, jotka eivät tule valituksi.


 Saku Valkama

Saku Valkama

toimitusjohtaja, TalentAdore Oy

Contact details

Klondyke, Kumitehtaankatu 5, 04260 Kerava

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