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Catch the Biggest Fish at Lapland University of Applied Sciences

Lapland University of Applied Sciences is a leader in utilising new technologies and implementing rapidly-evolving digitalisation in the study programmes they offer. 

– We have one master’s degree and two bachelor’s degree programmes, which can be completed in English. The master’s degree programme is available as distance learning, which makes it suitable for those with a full-time job as well as for those who do not live in Finland, says Leena Alalääkkölä, the Director of Commerce and Cultural Expertise. Digitalisation will have a significant role in the new curriculum. Additionally, a new Business Digitalisation Educational programme was introduced this fall. 

Our educational and training programmes in English mainly centre on ICT and International Business. Co-operation with companies forms a significant part of the studies. 

International studies in a pristine and quiet natural environment.

– A theoretical base is, of course, important, but research and development activities have an ever-increasing role in the new curriculum. We have project partners all over the world, and our students have the chance to participate in international projects and gain experience in the actual business world and simultaneously get the feeling they have contributed to something important and meaningful, Ms Alalääkkölä explains. 

Alongside studies leading to a degree, the Lapland University of Applied Sciences offers other study programmes, too. 

Arctic Summer School was launched in 2015, and everyone is welcome to attend the courses. 

– At the Summer School you can earn up to 30 Business and ICT credits in a very international atmosphere. Lectures are given by excellent foreign lecturers in co-operation with the Fulbright organisation. Last summer we had students from as many as 19 different countries, says lecturer
Teresa Chen with a smile. 

Additionally, Lapland University of Applied Sciences provides training for foreign customers. Last August, 19 students from India completed a five-credit study programme in Innovation as a part of their master’s degree. The course focused on Scandinavian family entrepreneurship in particular. 

 Training courses for foreigners wishing to apply for a place at an applied science university in Finland, as well as education export trainings for potential clients, have been organised abroad.
The latest development is the four-week Artic Winter School in February 2017, which takes place in Rovaniemi. Alongside their studies, the students have the opportunity to experience spectacular Lapland with its snow, ice and northern lights and even meet Santa Claus. 

TEXT: Maija-Liisa Saksa


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