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Askola has excellent conditions for both residential and business developments

Askola, located in eastern Uusimaa, offers an excellent environment for living, working and entrepreneurial activities. The region is on the outskirts of the Helsinki metropolitan area, within just a half hour driving distance.

-Many people pass through on a daily basis, for example, on their way to the city. From the perspective of corporate activities, we are located on the so-called Ring V, which provides excellent logistical connections in all directions, says Acting Mayor Jouni Martikainen. The location also offers great potential for affordable construction and living. 

 The municipality offers plots of land at constant prices. Both forest and field plots are available for the development of single-family dream houses for 23 EUR per square meter, and plots for corporate construction offering excellent transport connections for 14 EUR per square meter. Active zoning enables us to keep the desired plots available all the time. 

 – The number of inhabitants of Askola has increased since the year 2000, on average, one percent per annum, which, in addition to enlarging public services, has also enhanced the range of private services. Detached houses are integrated into a traditional rural environment – for example, the Porvoo River Valley landscape area, a national treasure, crosses through the municipality, Martikainen explains. 

– Our location is simply top-notch for entrepreneurship, for example with respect to the easy transport of goods to many destinations, such as to the Porvoo refinery, the Vuosaari harbor or the Helsinki-Vantaa airport, concludes Martikainen. 

TEXT & PHOTO: Kai Lintinen


Organisation information

Askolan kunta

Askolan kunta

Askolan kuuluu Uudenmaan maakuntaan, Porvoon kihlakuntaan, Itä-Uudenmaan käräjäoikeuteen ja Uudenmaan verotoimistoon (Porvoon toimipiste) sekä Uudenmaan ELY-keskukseen. Kansaneläkelaitoksen lähin toimipiste sijaitsee myös Porvoossa. Pelastusasioista vastaa Itä-Uudenmaan pelastuslaitos ja poliisiasioista Itä-Uudenmaan poliisilaitos / Porvoon poliisiasema. Kunta on perustettu vuonna 1896. Kunnan päätaajamat ovat Kirkonkylä ja Monninkylä. Muita kyliä ovat Juornaankylä, Huuvari, Nalkkila, Nietoo, Särkijärvi, Tiilää, Korttia, Onkimaa, Vakkola ja Vahijärvi. Vuoden 2014 veroprosentti on 20.25.