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Port traffic is booming in the Port of Hanko

Port traffic is booming in the Port of Hanko

The Port of Hanko is the second largest liner shipping port for truck and trailer traffic in Finland, and the fifth largest commercial port in the country. The Port of Hanko is also Finland’s car import centre and big volumes of Finnish forest industry products find their way thru the port.

The Port of Hanko is comprised of the Western Harbour, which is focused on liner shipping; the Outer Harbour, which is concentrated on car imports, and (as a new addition) Koverhar Harbour. In April 2017, a cement import terminal, belonging to the Peab Group, will be opened in Koverhar. 

“Port of Hanko business areas are international liner traffic, roro, car, truck, and container traffic, special transports, heavy special loads to Europe.”

“We are deepening the port basin, reconstructing the quays and building new port storage areas. A significant portion of the storage capacity in Koverhar has already been booked for the intermediate storage of the gas pipes of the Swiss Nord Stream 2 AG, up until the year 2020,” says CEO Anders Ahlvik

The Port of Hanko offers daily connections to the German ports Lübeck and Rostock and connections to Gdynia in Poland by both Transfennica and Finnlines. The DFDS´s Ro-Pax line also offers a connection to Paldiski in Estonia nine times a week; and, lastly, there are also four departures a week to Antwerp and Tilbury in London, which are the most important co-operation ports for the North Sea traffic.

Text: Eila Lokka



Organisation information

Hangon satama / Hafen von Hanko

Hangon satama / Hafen von Hanko

Der Hafen von Hanko ist der südlichste Hafen Finnlands. Es bestehen schnelle Verbindungen nach Mitteleuropa, ganz Finnland und Russland – rund um die Uhr an sieben Tagen der Woche und an 365 Tagen im Jahr.

- Umsatz: 13 Millionen
- Anzahl der Beschäftigten: 23
- Geschäftsfeld: Hafenbetrieb
- Hauptmarktbereiche: Globaler Export- und Importhafen
- Export %: 50%
- Import %: 50%

Contact details

Länsisatama, 10900 Hanko, FINNLAND +358 10 2355 000