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Making the world smarter with consumer data

Making the world smarter with consumer data

Traditional financial services being swept under the new constructions of banking industry, one might never step his foot in an old school bank office again. Nonetheless, consumers being the ones leading the disruption, their role will rise in the new dawn of banking.

Traditionally, customers have been seen as a risk or a challenge. Bisnode is trying to shake this view and show that customer are actually the opportunity. The company’s mission is to make the world a little bit smarter by analyzing complex data. Among others Bisnode identifies target groups, generates orientation, assists in smart decision making and analyzes data about markets and customer satisfaction. The company of 2,400 employees in 18 European countries has access to almost every type of information there is available from offline registers and documents to online footprints. 

“We help our clients to choose the best customers. We use our databases to identify the customers, analyse what they want and what kind of marketing or media is needed to get the message through and to get in touch with the consumers. In banking, it’s crucial to estimate customer’s potential and their value of collateral,” Jukka Hyttinen, Director of Marketing & CEM Solutions at Bisnode, says.

Consumers interact with brands in various ways and through many different channels. Bisnode gives a consistent, multichannel and up-to-date consumer view – to get better consumer relations, companies need to truly know their consumers. Whatever kind of decisions are being made, Bisnode’s approach is one and the same: to improve efficiency, quality and consistency by automating the decision-making process. Critical and correct information makes the business run efficiently, reduces risks and secures progress.

“Consumers have the power to decide what will be done next and how much information they are willing to share to get better products and service. We have massive amounts of data that can be analysed smartly to predict consumer behaviour in the new markets and be used as a basis in decision making and creating consumer engagement,” Hyttinen states.

Strenghtening of Financial Regulations

There has been a lot of discussion about the new EU legislations that will force banks to open their interfaces and information. Producing the reports that financial regulations require are the ones that affect the prices. Bisnode helps financial players to compliance automatically so that companies’ cost-effectiveness won´t be at stake. With global Dun&Bradstreet network Bisnode offers a unique possibility for worldwide and automated data check. Among others, Bisnode helps banks to perform automated verification of the foreign account tax compliance (FATCA) of US citizens, required by the new legislation. The evaluating of vehicle or property prices can also be done securely, seamlessly and real-time, which assists companies to release more capital in other financial activities within the framework of the laws of banking.

“For many global export companies it´s extremely important to identify both the customer’s and supplier’s validity and company’s rating. With the help of our Dun&Bradstreet network our customers get direct savings in their data management, the information about companies being globally convergent and open.”

However, Hyttinen reminds that in the long run the focus should always be in the customer experience.

“Personally, I believe that we can achieve a lot via open data. People will eventually stop using a service, if any of the data that they have shared is being used under false pretences. Consumers have always the ultimate saying and an option to choose. The regulations are not the ones that affect their decision making, it’s the customer experience and price that matter. Automate processes lower the prices of data management and retain the cost-effectiveness of financial services.”




Risk management and company data world-wide

Bisnode collects and manages any data, they represent the world’s largest supply of credit registry: more than 200 countries and more than 200 million companies.

Consumer data from Europe

Bisnode updates consumer data for marketing purposes with their patented, smart and self-learning identification system for over 100 companies. In addition, Bisnode produces prediction and classification data about consumer behavior.

Voice of Customer solutions

Bisnode helps measure customer experience to encounters with sales, online shops, online services, deliveries and customer service in real time. Bisnode collects vast amounts of information directly from the customers through discussions on social media and online and refines the information into a form that is useful in terms of customer experience management.

Text: Pauliina Toivanen


Organisation information



Bisnode toimii tällä hetkellä 19 maassa ja olemme yksi Euroopan johtavista smart datan tarjoajista. Organisaatiossamme työskentelee 2 100 ihmistä, jotka rikastavat kulttuuriamme kokemuksillaan, huumorillaan sekä osaamisellaan. Paikallisuus on suuri etu asiakkaillemme. Tämä tarkoittaa sitä, että pystymme toimimaan nopeasti ja joustavasti vastatessamme asiakkaiden haasteisiin. Samaan aikaan pystymme hyödyntämään suuryrityksen muskeleita ja resursseja tarvittaessa.