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In the IoT things are nothing; data is what matters

In the IoT things are nothing; data is what matters

Siili sees digitalisation as true integration of data, design and technology.

Seppo Kuula, CEO of Siili, taps his watch to illustrate his company’s philosophy.

“A smart watch is a great idea, but what is important is the data, not the thing,” he says. “A watch is too small to have an effective touch screen, but what if it had a reliable voice interface? Now I can simply speak to my watch to access and organise my data, like setting an appointment. We already have the technology and data to do this, but now we need a proper design to make this happen.”

The people at Siili see themselves as digital integrators, partnering with clients in software and digital services. While many IoT companies are excited about projects to connect devices and use the resulting data, Siili has a fundamentally different idea.

“Digitalisation is a process of co-creation with customers,” Kuula explains. “Industrialisation was about products, pyramid-shaped organisations, R&D driving value and efficiency in scale. Digitalisation is about service, customer-oriented business models, customers driving value and global, inter-industry competition.”

This process is resulting in new business models, like Uber or AirBnB, where access is more important than physical products. The business model is becoming iterative, continuous and data-driven.

“Companies need a partner to go through the digitalisation phase,” Kuula continues. “Where can they optimise, such as robotics improving cost efficiency? Where is the transformation, like how media and telecom are converging? Then we have true disruption. Data drives design; design causes disruption; disruption powers development of the new.”

“How we use cognitive computing and personalised services is drastically changing not only business logic but also our lives,” he says. “Soon we will see assisted driving standard in all cars, saving thousands of lives and making commuting more tolerable. We’ll have digital assistants at home making our daily activities more convenient, saving significant amounts of our time for more meaningful activities than shopping or searching for information. We are the trusted partner of leading companies in this digital transformation, and at the end of the day what is most important to Siili is people.”


Text: David J. Cord


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